After the serial peripheral interface ( SPI) was used to implement communication of Arm processor with CAN controller. CAN-Bus driver program and application program in Arm-Linux embedded system were designed, and the graphical user interface ( GUI) based on Arm-Linux was developed. Arm处理器以同步外设接口(SPI)方式与CAN控制器相通信,开发了Arm-Linux嵌入式系统下的CAN-Bus驱动及应用程序,且设计了嵌入式环境下图形界面系统(GUI)。
Since uC/ OS II is a famous RTOS, it only consist of real time task schedule and communication kernel, lack of support to peripheral equipment and interface, such as file system, network protocol, and graphic interface. 虽然uC/OSⅡ堪称最著名的实时操作系统,但它毕竟只是一个实时的任务调度及通信内核,缺少对外围设备和接口的支持,如没有文件系统、网络协议、图形界面。
The peripheral circuit includes charge and discharge circuit of permanent magnetic actuator ( PMA), extended circuit of memory, interface circuit of keyboard and display system, and interface circuit of input and output signal. 外围电路包括永磁机构充、放电电路、存储器扩展电路、键盘和显示接口电路、输入和输出接口电路等。
Debugged the circuit board, wrote the peripheral driver and video capture driver program, transplanted DSP/ BIOS RTOS, divided system memory, wrote multi-task program, transplanted and optimized algorithm, developed network program, wrote network testing interface by using MFC. 3. 调试硬件电路,编写外围驱动以及视频采集驱动程序,移植DSP/BIOS系统,划分系统存储空间,编写多任务程序,移植和优化车牌算法程序,开发网络程序,利用MFC编写网络测试界面等。